_For one reason or another, I have almost always been more mature than my age.  Maybe it is because of my year in school and being in a grade younger than most students my age.  It could be some of the experiences I've been through in my life.  It might be the fact that I am the only child.  Whatever the reason, I have always gotten along better with people who are older than I.  Now, don't get me wrong, some of my best friends are younger than I (either by a few months or a few years), but during my graduate program, I was closest with my classmates who were in the upper half of age in the program or had taken some time off from school and had worked in between each of their degrees.  It was from these friendships that I realized I need to relax more and enjoy life.  I need to be less of a grown-up and more childlike to be more relaxed as well as be able to connect with the students I aim to work with in the future.  For me, becoming more "childlike" included not being so uptight regarding scheduling my every move, being flexible and willing to change plans at any moment, letting others take over the planning process, and letting go of the past by being okay with separating myself from former friends.  I have found that by letting things go and continuing to move forward with my life, living in the present, and not planning (as much) for my future, I am still able to remain a grown-up while embracing my inner child.

This December, I am participating in a month-long writing challenge (#reverbbroads11), alongside a bunch of strong, inspiring women. Today’s prompt is from BethanyHow did you become more of a grown-up this year? Or did you pull a Peter Pan and stubbornly remain childlike?
The way this year has gone, I cannot think of the stupidest thing I have done this year.  So I'll create a list:I cried too much.
I didn't laugh enough.
I should have spent more time with family (including expanded Michigan family).
I should have taken more time for myself.
I didn't do enough exploring (road trip!).

And the lyrics from P!nk's Perfect sums up how I survived this year:
"Made a wrong turn once or twice...
Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
Miss 'No way, it's all good'
It didn't slow me down.
Mistaken, always second guessing
Underestimated, look I'm still around"

#ReverbBroad11 prompt for the day: "What is the stupidest thing you did this year? What about in your whole life? You can take stupid to mean: embarrassing, dangerous, funny, lame, whatever you consider "stupid."
Dear 18 year old me,

You will be okay.  In fact, you will be more than okay.  You will be successful.

Things may not always go your way.  You are facing a difficult transition right now, moving back home and starting coursework at Oakland University after being unhappy as a student at Grand Valley State University.  In facing this transition, it will prepare you for future transitions and times of uncertainty. 

What you don't realize yet is how becoming a student at Oakland University will change your life and course forever.  I know you said you would never follow in your mother or father's footsteps (meaning you would not attend Western Michigan or Oakland), but it is okay to follow in one of their footsteps.  You may end up with a degree in business, but your direction will change again.  Your work experiences will shape who you will become and the struggles you face and surpass as an undergraduate will prepare you for the hurdles and traps that you will overcome as a graduate student.

You are strong, independent, persistent, spunky, sassy, and your sense of humor will be your life raft.  You'll move out of state when you least expected yourself to be ready.  You'll meet new people that will change your life for the better.  The people who you thought would be your support may no longer be in your life, but they will be replaced by people who sincerely care about you, your future, and helping you to reach your goals and dreams.  They will be located all over the country by the time you are done with graduate school.  They may not be the people you leaned on for support as an undergraduate, as people show their true colors and you will learn difficult lessons that will help you in your professional development in the future. 

The road ahead is not the easiest, nor is it the straightest road you will ever travel.  But if life was simple and easy, then what is the point of traveling onward?  Change is a necessary part of life, but with change comes new adventures, colleagues, stories, and laughter.  Keep your head held high, sense of humor in tact, and everything will fall into place.  Eventually.  Like it always was meant to be.


Several other bloggers that I've read inspired me to try to participate in this blog writing month. Today's prompt: December 1: #reverbbroads11 Prompt: "If the you of today could go back in time and give advice to any of the previous yous, which age would you visit and what would you tell them?"


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