Occasionally, you need to dust off old pictures and hang them with new perspective.  The end of January is a bittersweet time.  10 years ago, I would be sad for days leading up and following and try to ignore the issue on the actual date.  The past few years, there is a gentle reminder of what happened years ago and with an Irish Blessing, memory, and quick prayer, it quickly comes and passes me by.  This year, it is looking at a photograph, brushing off some of the dust, and setting its frame back up in a location where it is seen in passing, every day. 

You see-this Friday- 1.25.13 -marks 15 years since my uncle passed away.  

The youngest of four.  The only son.  The only blood-related uncle.  The heart problems.  The open heart surgery.  "Life's a  bitch and then you die".  The sippy cup that remains in my parent's cupboards, that one day will remain in one of my cupboards.  The smiles.  The laughter.  The tears.  The memories -all of them- that still exist all these years later.  

I have been known to get semi personal when it comes to my blog - but this time of year and the fact that it has been 15 years - makes it feel appropriate to share this story.  Every one has things they go through - that shapes them for better or worse.  While he is gone and still missed terribly - he has shaped me for the better.  I know I have two guardian angels (My Grandpa joined him a summer or so ago) up in heaven playing that game of baseball that they have not been able to play in a few years.  It is all about perspective and how you choose to remember and honor those who go before you.

"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand."

-Play ball.
12/12/2022 02:23:52 pm

I'll read later


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